sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2016

... continue

And the reason I'm sharing this story, that used to embarasse me, is because I had no one to help me out! 

I had not a single person to motivate me, to help me out, to hold me accountable! It was me with me! I had to go really down to bounce back.

And this is me, paying forward!

Because this thing is so amazing, I should not keep it to myself! Nobody should! I never ever thought I would, one day, look and feel as good as I do now! It has been a rollercoaster of emotions! My clothes that were too tight FIVE MONTHS ago, are all big!

FIVE MONTHS!! This is insane!!

Now I need to go shopping again! Oh well 😉

But the beauty in all that is that I has not been easy! Its hard! After the long day with the girls, all I want I to go to bed, but I changed and pressed play! Because its for me! Because I love myself! Because I deserve!

And the most difficult part is to press play! Cause when you start, you don't wanna stop! And then that's the rewarding cool down, and that shower to wash off all that sweat, the sadness, frustrations, the pants that didn't fit, the muffin top. That water cleans your soul! And you go to bed to start all over tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, because its not a short term thing, you don't reach your goal and stop. Its a lifetime commitment! To yourself, your body, your health, your fitness!

I'm sold.

Hit me up and we can help each other get even farther away!
Traveling alone is always boring!

... continue

And when she got back home, there was a box waiting! Inside of the box was the red pill, the alpha and the omega, the gold at the end of the rainbow... You got it, right? The dvds have arrived!

And that lady started right there! 
Actually she didn't. She had to unpack, bath the children, get something to eat, feed them dinner, put them to sleep, and theeeeeen she started!
Oh! That's easy, and fun, and.. Wait! this is hard! Frustration! I can't do it! I hate you Shaun T! Oh look! I got it! Oh I love you Shaun T!

And she danced, and danced and danced her butt off! I mean her fat off!!

One day at a time, one week at a time, one pound at a time, she was getting more and more into it, more and more hungry of all that!

Her body was changing! And she was not passive about it! She was making it change! It was all her doing! Right there, in her living room, among all the toys she didn't have time to clean up. She was on fire, she wanted it so bad, nobody could stop her!

To be continued...